Vacation Mantra Giveaway Winners & Controversial Creativity

Before I left for vacation I put Lelainia's mantra (of Tattered Edge) on the back of the Mantra Trailer.
All the way up I-5 we were getting honks, thumbs up, thumbs down. People were even taking drive-by photos with their cell phones of her marvelous and controversial mantra. I was surprised. I often get reactions but this was more than usual. THERE ARE NO RULES seemed to be touching the pulse of the people. Taken out of the context of creativity Lelainia's mantra was a political hot potato. It's hard to say whether the thumbs up or down came from people with conservative or liberal sympathies. Any way it was very interesting.
Congratulations to Heather of True Stitches, Nicole of Victory and Peace, and Merrill of Electric Bluebird, they are the winners of the Vacation Mantra Giveaway. I'll be sending them each a CD of "My Favorite Mantras" recorded in the Mantra Trailer. You can listen to and download YOUR favorite mantras at
Thanks to everyone who participated in my first giveaway. Awesome mantras folks! I hope you had a chance to chant them out loud in your studio.
Rowing the Boat:
I think creative practice is ultimately a radical activity that has the power to engage dialogue and attract controversy when taken out of the context of the gallery or studio. What do you think? Is there anything you do in the course of your creative process that would raise eyebrows if you took it out of context and applied it to your everyday life?