Mending My Granny Squares

Mending my granny squares isn't exactly like minding your p's & q's, as many teachers and grandmothers have been known to say to rude and unruly children. There is nothing ruled about this mending job. My approach is completely freeform. Thread a needle with yarn and stick it through any section of the granny squares that have frayed and come undone. And then gently pull to draw the separated sections together. I guess you could say that the granny squares subjected to my mending frenzy are being made to mind their p's & q's. Except they don't listen. Every time I wear this beautiful but fragile jacket another hole sprouts up somewhere. It's a constant conversation.
Mending my granny squares requires a certain amount of inner acceptance that the worn and frayed (within me) will continue to err, and need my gentle, patient attention to keep things whole and transforming.
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Using a needle and a blendable yarn I catch any frayed and unattached sections, and gently pull them together. Knot in the back and weave the thread. The sleeve edge was particularly frayed. I used a crochet hook and re-croched the edge. Finally I added a large grey button at the top to hold the jacket closed at the neckline.