I'm Back! Sort of...

Wow. I was doing so well at posting almost everyday from Penland the first week, but I lost my wind the second week. Penland was fantastic but by week two I only had enough stamina to teach the workshop. The energy level at Penland was so intense and also so exhausting, but in a really satisfying way.Β  I'll finish posts on the second week of teaching at Penland on upcomming Improv Mondays...

So now I'm back and taking my time transitioning. Things have changed since I've been away. My flower garden EXPLODED! I've changed too.

My ability to see my daily patterns with more clarity is a gift that has come from my two weeks at Penland exploring the Rhythm of Attention. I wonder what kind of after affects my students are experiencing???

Since I've been back I've been inviting stillness into my daily life. The Angel Cards I pulled on the summer solstice only days before I left for Penland were Forgiveness, Efficiency, and Purpose. These didn't make sense at the time, but since my return they seem apt.

I want to continue to cultivate the spirit of community I felt at Penland, but I also want to change my daily patterns to include more time for silence, study, reading, exercise and meditation. I'm instituting a sabbath, no computers, or internet, and time off from studio work as well. One day a week I'm giving myself the freedom to do whatever I feel like doing or not doing, to be still and live joyously!


Sunday Morning Blogging


The Penland Sewettes ~ 4th of July