
These flowers are from my garden. The pair of vintage vases (1926) were given to me by my college boyfriend. Solo in an antique shop, he chose these for me... a passionate gift that I continue to cherish. He was my first...

There's a book called Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. She says that if you are a single person wanting a partner then arrange the things around you in pairs. Have two candles light the table, two pictures hanging together, two vases of flowers sharing the window sill...

I had lunch today with a love-sick friend, after wards we went to the bookstore. I suggested a book for him on emotional availability. He wasn't interested, but I ended up taking home Put Passion First ~ Why Sexual Chemistry Is the Key to Finding and Keeping Lasting Love by Carol Cassell. My friend must have thought I was a self-help sucker.

Cassell defines passion between two people as...

...that intangible and potent fusion between the sizzle of sexual chemistry and the calmer, loving feelings of being emotionally connected to your partner.

Maybe I AM a sucker or maybe I've been stung by a honey bee!


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