Bloggers' Quilt Festival ~ God's Eye

God's Eye, 1996, 90" x 90"
Made from vintage 70's fabrics, velvets, mirrors, and a crocheted afghan for the corners of the quilt, it is hand and machine pieced, entirely hand-quilted and embroidered.
The patchwork pattern evokes the yarn woven God's Eyes that I made as a kid at vacation bible school.

This quilt tells the story... of Ezekiel's sparkling wheels of eyes... of my childhood memories of being taunted, awkward, and painfully self-conscious... of Ojo de Dios, the Huichol Indians' talisman for the protection of children...

The head of each pin at the center of the quilt is a dance floor for a thousand angels!

God's Eye is my entry to the bi-annual Bloggers' Quilt Festival. Hundred's of entries. Lot's of quilt joy. So check it out!