Studio Tools ~ a woven band of multicolored threads
This woven band of threads is perhaps my favorite studio tool or supply. It's 23" long and perfect for appliqué. When I need a specific color to sew with I can pick a single strand and easily pull it from the band.I bought it maybe 15 years ago and it never seems to run out. I can't find this item in sewing stores anymore. Does anyone else have one? Have you seen anything like it in a shop recently? Any ideas on how to Goolge it?

Even though these threads match to create a glorious rainbow they still remind me of this poem that speaks so clearly to my spiritual heart these days...
She who reconciles the ill-matched threadsof her life, and weaves them gratefullyinto a single cloth--it's she who drives the loudmouths from the halland clears it for a different celebration
where the one guest is you.In the softness of eveningit's you she receives.
You are the partner of her loneliness,the unspeaking center of her monologues.With each disclosure you encompass moreand she stretches beyond what limits her,to hold you.
~ Rilke from The Book of Hours (Love Poems to God)