Portland Bound

Here I am at my favorite taqueria, Poncho Villa, in San Francisco. It's in the Mission on 16th St. near Valencia. If you came to visit I would probably take you there.

We would probably stop by Dynamo Donuts on 24th St for some coffee and a Strawberry-Earl Grey donut, then stroll over to Southern Exposure for a dose of edgy contemporary art. Or maybe Tartine's for a morning bun, if the line isn't too long, on our way to do some people watching in Dolores Park. I'd take you to the red clay room at the Imperial Spa, the Korean bathhouse, near Geary and Filmore for some deep relaxation, to Imagiknit on 18th at Sanchez to drool over yarn, and then to Cliff's Variety Store and The Castro Theater to clap along with the organist between double features as he plays...
San Francisco, open your Golden GateYou'll let nobody wait outside your doorSan Francisco, here is your wanderin' oneSaying I'll wander no more.
Oh there are so many amazing little ins and outs of San Francisco and the Bay Area. I could go on and on... but I'm traveling to PORTLAND for the first time, from July 5 - 10.
So please dear readers, tell me about the places, neighborhoods, shops, restaurants, landmarks, sights, and oddities I MUST explore while I'm in Portland!