38,564 words and twelve new quilts!
Whoopee! Yep that's how many words I wrote for The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters. Wow was that a lot of work. I turned in the final manuscript with the help of the my amazing copy editor, Christine Doyle last week! Christine is also a quilt maker and member of the Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild. She really got that my goal was to write a book on improvisational process with project guidelines that didn't rely on step-by-step instructions or fixed patterns. She calls it Improv 2.0.
Also delivered last week were hundreds of images taken by the super talented photographer Sara Remington with her assistant Nicole Rejwan. I loved working with Sara and her whole team. They are pros and a lot of fun. During our last 9 hr photo shoot, while Sara was shooting images of my hand sewing tools and supplies --thimble, needles, scissors, yarn, thread, and batting, I felt humbled and so incredibly grateful that my creative live was being documented and soon to be shared in such a beautiful and intimate way. I can't wait for you to see the pictures! I have no doubt that this book will have the most beautiful technique photos you've ever laid eyes on -let alone the real beauty shots! How many times did I say the word BEAUTIFUL in this paragraph?
Working with Melanie Falick, the managing editor, and her staff at STC Craft can only be described as a joy. They have taken such good care of me throughout this process. They've supported my vision 100%. I've now passed the torch on and the book designers are taking the lead. They are shaping the raw material of words and images into a book. I can't wait to see what they put together. Apparently there will be four passes or design reviews and then it's off to the printer. Our goal is to launch The Improv Handbook at QuiltCon in February 2015, where I will be giving a lecture (Thursday, Feb. 19 at 2PM) and teaching three workshops (Fri. Sat. Sun. 9AM-5PM) based on projects and techniques featured in the book.
This week I've been tying up loose ends. I couldn't have handled all the details without the help of my smart, sweet and talented intern Lukaza Branfman-Verissmo. She's an undergrad at the California College of Art and definitely a young up and coming artist to watch. Lukaza helped me with the test/contributor quilting aspect of the book project, by communicating with over 230 fellow quilters directly, and by setting up the online forum and submissions process for the test quilts. Lukaza has finished her work with me and is off on a scholarship trip in July to connect with print making communities in Japan.
Okay well I did it! I'm just happy that I did it! I'm amazed that I did it! I did it with the help of so many, including so many of you. Writing this book challenged me to grow a hundred fold in all directions. I've become a better collaborator. I've gained in my ability to let go of control and let others help me shape and complete my vision. I practiced what I preached as I wrote and I'm a better improvisor and quilt maker because of it. Even though I'm about as exhausted as I've ever been, my mind is full of possibilities for new work and next steps. I can hardly wait!
It's as if I've been on a boat for the last year and a half and I've just been dropped off on a new shore in my life. Everything is YES!
PS> I'm moving on Facebook - Move with me.
Join the new Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters Facebook GROUP, and let's talk improv and patchwork. If you are a fan of my Daintytime facebook page please switch over and join the Daintytime Improv Handbook Group. When you join be sure to click on "Notifications" in the top right corner under the cover photo and choose "All Posts"and you will be notified of posts by all the members.
FB has cut organic reach for Pages which means you will not be getting Daintytime FB posts in your story feed anymore unless I pay $5 every time I post. So I've started a FB Group and will eventually close my FB Page. Actually it's better this way. Groups allow for more direct exchange between members. I will be moving all events associated with the Improv Handbook and my teaching/lecturing schedule to the Daintytime Improv Handbook FB Group. Membership is open to everyone! Let's talk improv and patchwork!
BTW: Also join me on Instagram: @daintytime and Twitter: @daintytime