Camp Stitch-Alot and Chicago MQG Here I Come!
I'm packing my bags and about to leave for Camp Stitch-Alot! WHOOHOO! It's going to be cold, so I've got my long johns, heavy boots, turtlenecks, winter coat, hat and gloves! And of course lots of wonderful SCRAPS for making quilts in our cozy cabin retreat all weekend long.
I've never done one of these cabin quilting retreats before and I'm so excited to getaway and be with other quilt lovers. I'm very much looking forward to meeting Carolyn Friedlander, the other "camp counselor" this weekend, and to hang out with organizers Brenda Ratliff of Pink Castle Fabrics, and Rossie of Fresh Modern Quilts, who also happens to be one of the quilt contributors featured in the Improv Handbook.
After Camp Stitch-Alot, I am catching the train to Chicago to speak and teach at the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild. One of my favorite blog friends, Trish Royal of Bits & Bobbins, is picking me up at Union Station. I'm so looking forward to connecting with her and all the quilters at Chicago MQG and to see what quilt mischief they've been making!
So how lucky am I :-)))) ??? !!!
I will be reporting the weekend's escapades via:
Instagram: @daintytime
Facebook Page: /
Improv Handbook Facebook Group: /daintytime.improv.handbook
AND!!!! If you are having workshop envy right now...
I'm thrilled to announce that I will be teaching a special, intimate (only 10 participants) TWO-DAY intensive Get Your Curve On Workshop at A Gathering of Stitches in Portland, Oregon, April 30 - May 1, 2015. Sign up now!