Ruler-Free Patchwork Performance at Sew Modern LA

Tonight at Sew Modern in Los Angeles will be the debut performance of my Improvise! Ruler-Free Patchwork Performance AND the kick off of  The Improv Handbook X-Country Brick & Mortar Book Tour.The performance will be a mashup of improv theater games with ruler-free patchwork as I demonstrate techniques featured in The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters, such as basic strip, bias strip, wedge, curve, stack, float, repetition, flow, bleeding, darting, natural fit, approximate measuring, trouble shooting, and composition tips, tricks and techniques. I will be demonstrating techniques and building a quilt top as I take suggestions and guidance on the spot from the audience.  It should be very interesting!

Here are the fabrics I will be starting with and attendees have been invited to bring a few zingers to add to the mix. I will post the results tomorrow...

In other book news, check out more wonderful posts reviewing The Improv Handbook by Amy Friend of During Quiet Time and by Blair Underwood at WiseCraft. In addition to their reviews they both share their unique experiences of the improvisational process as they worked through a score, or flexible pattern, from the book. Amy was one of the 250 people who test quilted one of the scores prior to publication, and Blair took the Patchwork Doodle workshop when I was teaching for the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild in February.

I also want to report on my recent teaching trips to Kansas City and spots in New England. So much happening and so many discoveries. I only wish I had a double who could help me out in sharing it all with you. Be patient... it will come.

Happy days!


Ruler-Free Patchwork - Improv Theater Mashup Results


Improv Handbook Blog Hop