YOSS2011 SEP 17&18/24

9.1-9.30.2011 A week of fun with my sister in San Francisco, attended a wedding, and a birthday party for my friend Tamara, enjoyed lots of sunshine and warm weather, hiking, camping, a day lolly-gagging at Stinson Beach...

and knitted my seventeenth & eighteenth socks of 2011.

Comment with a personal highlight from SEPTEMBER below, to enter the Year Of Stash Socks giveaway. You could win a pair of hand-knit socks!

Knitting Notes

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You are probably sick of seeing these Fallberry fingerless mitts, but it's a lovely pattern and it knits up much quicker than a pair of socks. These may turn up as someone's Christmas gift. This time I used a fabulously soft and rich midnight blue (blueberry) Ultra Fine Alpaca by Berroco.

Since I'm still itching to work on my sweater especially since the weather is turning colder. I may substitute finishing the sweater for knitting a pair of socks for October. I know that's REALLY bending the rules. Well we'll see...

I've really enjoyed hearing your monthly status reports. Keep them coming. This giveaway is on the home stretch!


Hoopla, the Art of Unexpected Embroidery ~ Giveaway


Quilting Xtra Large