Improv Quilting

christmas knitting
It's a dreary Thursday in Oakland, but I'm cozy in my studio with my morning cup coffee and my Christmas knitting projects.
retreating into community
Groups of knitters are fantastic, funny, and so appreciative of the effort anyone makes to knit. The love of yarn and craft is an instant bond.
One dead, two wounded in East Oakland shooting...
And I witnessed the crime scene seconds after the automatic gunfire stopped. I was quietly knitting the sleeves on a green sweater when the slaying went down.
Portland was fun!
I don't know how bloggers post when they are on vacation. I'm home now and here is a rundown of my Portland adventure.
A day of guilt free knitting!
I'm volunteering to work at my local yarn shop while the owner is recovering from surgery. Our knits and purls are like prayers.
Knitting Insanity
I pull out yarn. I pull out patterns. I knit swatches and suddenly I have so many projects imagined that I feel all itchy about it.
Year Of Stash Socks Giveaway Prize
Here are the pair of hand knit socks made especially for Anna at FreePlayCraft, the YOSS giveaway winner.