surprise vacation

How do you like my end of summer pedicure? I've been secretly on vacation since last Tuesday. I'm in North Carolina. My sister and I are catching up, being silly, getting mani-pedis, making earings, and talking, talking, talking.

Saturday was my father's 70th birthday, and the family threw him a surprise birthday celebration. Since he reads my blog I couldn't mention it. (He's still looking good!)

The family met for the weekend at a cabin in Bryson City, NC...

A gathering of love and warmth to celebrate my father...

Part of the festivities included a train ride through the Smokey Mountains along the Nantahala River. Here I am with my father and his sweet wife Ruth, who organized the entire event.

The scenery was beautiful...

And the train ride was as relaxing as it was fun. Our gang filled the rear of the train car.

Probably doesn't take too much imagination to guess what I gave Dad for his birthday...

a pair of hand knit socks of course!

I love you Dad!