home sweet home

I woke up at 3 am in my own bed this morning. I'm still on east coast time. Listening to my fan and feeling the air move over me I felt alone, calm, and thankful to be home. My mind began thinking of all sorts of things but I kept coming back to the blessing of the air kissing my body.
I had a great vacation with plenty of time for visiting, fellowship, and the pleasurable maintenance of significant relationships.

Returning home alone after such a time there are many complicated things I could think about... time passing, memory, past and future, regrets, comparisons, loneliness, insecurity...
They all march and flutter through my mind but for some wonderful unknown reason, mystery and gratitude settle comfortably in and politely usher all these other thoughts to the door.

I love this quiet morning ~ this centered moment of waking up early and enjoying the simple solitude of my apartment and my single life.