dreary on the outside ~ cozy on the inside

This is the view outside my studio window --of the container truck lot, on a dreary day in East Oakland. That's okay 'cause it's nice and cozy on the inside...

...thanks to the glowing warmth of this Modern Improv Wool Log Cabin quilt. I've been photographing it today with my new camera.
If you are a quilt maker you probably know that the red or orange square in the center of a traditional log cabin block represents the hearth or heart of the home.
The intense red, fuschia, and orange of re-purposed wool clothing of this improvised log cabin certainly does the trick. In combination with my nifty gas heater who needs a fireplace! Where ever you are, I hope you are staying cozy today... one way or another.
See this quilt in person at the QuiltCon quilt show in Austin, February 21-24.