Improv Quilting

Celebrating Improv Quilter Carole Lyles Shaw
Carole had a love and passion for improv quilting and I greatly appreciated her unique approach, influences and style. Her commitment to and presence in the Modern Quilting community uplifted and inspired many. Here is a video replay of Carole's guest presentation at a Making Do online workshop in 2021.

Curating Colors for Patchwork Installation
Improv patchwork begins by setting a few limits, including color limits. This is exactly what I've been pleasantly busy doing this past week.

Improv Patchwork Road Tales ~ Honesty
What does it mean to be honest when I create? What am I being honest about? Who am I being honest to?

Improv Patchwork Road Tales ~ Flow
Flow replaces the security that we cling to when following a plan. FLOW is sweet and restorative, free and surprising.

Ruler-Free Patchwork - Improv Theater Mashup Results
Audience members provided "ugly" fabrics, threw out suggestions, and questions as I improvised a quilt on the spot according to their prompts.

Improv Handbook Blog Hop
A month of insightful reviews, giveaways, process stories, and the debut of 165 test quilts made for The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters.

Improv Handbook Available April 28!
FYI - The release date has been moved up to April 28! The wait is almost over.
Improv Handbook Test Quilters
Over 250 test quilters played an invaluable role in shaping the content of the book by providing feedback on how the scores made sense or not.

18 Quilts Inspired by The Improv Handbook at QuiltCon
A total of EIGHTEEN quilts inspired by scores from the Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters were exhibited at QuiltCon 2015!

QuiltCon Day 3 ~ Quilting From the Heart
How will our exposure to the Gee's Bend Quilters at Quiltcon change the way we make our quilts, and/or our perception of what quilt making is all about?

Improv Round Robin ~ Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association
The Improv Round Robin workshop was super fun. I was so impressed by the cohesiveness of the group. They listened and responded with skill and courage!
What blocks and/or supports your improvisational flow?
Improvisors and quilt makers. I'm researching this question and need your input!

Stitch Modern ~ Improv Round Robin Workshop
I will be facilitating an Improv Round Robin at Stitch Modern on Sunday, February 23, 2014 in Oakland, CA. Register now!

Improv Handbook Test Quilters
It's not to late to sign up as a test quilter for the Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters.

Announcing The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters
Contribute to the Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters, scheduled to be published by STC Craft, Spring 2015.

Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Sarah Turnage
There is so much motion in this African-American improv quilt by Sarah Turnage that it borders on optical illusion!
Upcoming Events & Workshops
I'm happy to announce improv quilt workshops and an exhibition scattered across the country. I may be teaching in your neighborhood soon!
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Rosie Lee Tompkins
Eli considers this amazing quilt by Rosie Lee Tomkins as one of her best ten AND it has never been published! Don't miss this exclusive!
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Signature Quilt
With its visual field of deep black velvet and twinkling white stitches this African-American signature quilt is as powerful and mysterious as the universe.
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon
Announcing a fabulous, EXCLUSIVE blog series - Eli and I discuss a different quilt from his African-American patchwork collection each week.