a lecture on modern improv quilting at Stitch Modern

I am pleased to announce that I will be giving a talk on improvisational process and quilting at the East Bay Modern Quilt Guild's 2nd annual quilt exhibit, Stitch Modern.
Lecture: Modern Improv Quilting and Process by Sherri Lynn WoodFeb. 5, 7-8:30Piedmont Center for the Arts$5 entry fee
Besides sharing a few of my recent modern improv quilts, I will also review the history and tradition of African American improvisational quilting, introduce key concepts of improvisation through the disciplines of comedy-theater, music, and drumming, and share ways for developing inner resources that will move your improvisational work beyond the design process to communicate a powerful sense of presence and discovery. Most importantly I will present a new framework for improvisational quilting --working from a "score"-- that breaks free from the design/pattern/copy paradigm of traditional quilting.
If you are local to the San Francisco Bay Area, I really hope you can make it out. If you're not, pass my workshop and lecture info along to your guild organizers. I'd love to come to your town for a visit!
Stitch Modern will be held at the Piedmont Center for the Arts from February 1st until February 24th. Quilts will be on view to the public during regular gallery hours on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12 - 3pm, as well as during Stitch Modern Special Events. Besides my talk the fabulous East Bay Modern Quilters have coordinated several other textile-related events in conjunction with the show. If you can't make it because you live far far away - take a sneak peak of the quilt exhibition: see the Stitch Modern Quilt Show on Flickr.