ruler-free patchwork at the alameda free library

Teens and adults ~ Join me on July 16, 2:00-3:30 at the Alameda Free Library for Improvise! A Ruler-Free Patchwork Performance/Demo.Basic strip, bias strip, wedge, curve, stack, float, repetition, flow, bleeding, darting, natural fit, approximate measuring, trouble shooting, and composition tips, tricks and techniques for ruler-free patchwork will be demonstrated and performed on the spot according to suggestions received from the audience. It’s an Improv Patchwork Theater Mashup with techniques, design tips, and mind tools featured in The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters. Attendees are invited (optional) to bring up to a 1/4 yd of fabric scraps for use in the patchwork performance. There will be a book signing following the performance.RSVP by July 10 to Jill Russell, or call 510-747-7713Contact the Alameda Free Library for details.