quiltcon 2017 workshops

Wow! It's that time again already -- QuiltCon registration! It's an honor to be teaching and speaking this year at the national gathering of the Modern Quilt Guild. Although I could be considered a veteran, the excitement has not dissipated. Teaching at QuiltCon is such a thrill because the students are so damn good! You guys make the job easy and fun!
I'm excited to be debuting THREE NEW WORKSHOPS, and a new lecture topic at QuiltCon 2017. The descriptions are listed below along a few extra notes in bold. I know registration can be a harrowing adventure of luck and technology so my fingers are crossed! May you all get the workshops and lectures you most desire or even better the unexpected opportunities the universe provides!
Worst case scenario... if you don't get in... Contact me to teach at your local guild! These new workshop & lecture offerings will be available to guilds and organizations beginning March 2017.

Finding Flow Setting Limits
LE06 Improvise! Setting Limits to Find the Sweet Spot of Flow
Thursday, February 23, 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
"Happiness is the place between too little and too much." The restorative benefits of improv come from the experience of flow. In the flow of the present moment, there is no anxiety, planning, or the need to control future outcomes. Learn how to set flexible patchwork limits tailored to your goals and comfort level that support your creative flow, by listening for internal cues. Discover your personal sweet spot between too little and too much in order to let go and let it flow the first or next time you're piecing on the edge of the unknown!
For those of you who have heard me speak, or taken a workshop I usually touch on the topic of limits and flow, since it is essential to enjoying the improvisational process, and for achieving fearless outcomes. This is an opportunity to participate in an in-depth review on how to set limits and find flow!

723 Ruler Free Strip Piecing
Thursday, February 23, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Explore intuitive color, make narrative relationships, articulate your line, cut from your core, find your flow, and discover your preferences. Experiment with three methods of choosing --random, spontaneous and planned, to create expressive ruler-free strip pieced foundations. The results can be utilized later with stunning effect remixed in fixed or flexible quilt patterns, or other home and fashion sewing projects. Featured in The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters.
This workshop is listed in the piecing skills track at QuiltCon but it actually explores the most fundamental aspect of improv --choice. This is a perfect Thursday evening workshop. It's meditative, relaxing and even restorative. You will leave the workshop physically and mentally energized rather than depleted. AND you will have some fantastic strip pieced fabric that you may be able to utilize in another workshop you're signed up for during QuiltCon. It will get your creative juices flowing!

quilting with clothing by Sherri Lynn Wood
521 Making Do with Old Clothes and a Pair of Scissors
Saturday, February 25, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Discover the satisfaction of transforming old clothes into striking functional quilts that carry meaning and message. Learn deconstruction strategies for preserving architectural elements like pockets, plackets, necklines, and sleeve curves, which serve as the score or set of limits for improvising the patchwork. Stabilize and combine different types and weights of materials, including silk, linen, knits, poly, wool, and denim. Build scissor muscles along with ruler-free rotary cutting confidence, incorporate stash scraps, and learn how to compose with natural fitting shapes and bleeds. Harness the emotional energy of the relationship you have with the materials to guide your process.
So this is going to be a fabulous workshop! Quilting with clothing does not have to result in quilts that look ho-hum-homespun. You will learn how to collaborate with the clothing to create bold modern and unexpected designs. I highly recommend!!! The image above is a detail of what I'm currently working on in my Making Do with clothing residency at Recology and I'm super excited about the outcome so far.

Rhythmic Grid by Sherri Lynn Wood
522 Score for Rhythmic Grid
Sunday, February 26, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Score for Rhythmic Grid is like a patchwork Rubik's Cube. Working with the basic square-within-a-square pattern, the goal of this score or flexible pattern, featured in The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters, is to create a rhythmic grid with two different sashings that traverse the surface of the quilt. Confused? That's the best place start! The beauty of your improvised quilt will shine through the process of figuring it out. There is no right or wrong solution, only the adventure of discovery! Employ ruler-free patchwork techniques and build your skills of approximation and making-do along the way.
If you feel like getting delightfully lost in your patchwork for the day, sign up for this workshop. Check out the Rhythmic Grid text quilt gallery. Of all the scores test-quilted for The Improv Handbook, these were the most varied and unique. I am totally psyched to be teaching this workshop for the first time at QuiltCon 2017.