a f t e r l i f e / it's show time!

It's show time! My exhibition opens tonight!
LocationArt Studio at 503 Tunnel Ave. San Francisco
WhenReception-Friday, September 23, 2016, 5-9pmReception-Saturday, September 24, 2016, Noon-3pm with Make Do Pocket Quilt drop in clinic in the gallery. All materials and score provided.
Additional viewing hours-Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 5-7pm with gallery walk-through with artists at 6:00pm at 401 Tunnel Avenue
The Artist in Residence Program at Recology San Francisco will host an exhibition and reception for current artists-in-residence Miguel Arzabe, Sherri Lynn Wood, and student artists Paula Morales and Kathy Sirico on Friday, September 23, from 5-9pm and Saturday, September 24, from 1-3pm. Additional viewing hours will be held on Tuesday, September 27, from 5-7pm, with a gallery walk-through with the artists at 6:00pm.
Admission is free and open to the public, all ages welcome,wheelchair accessible.http://www.recologysf.com/index.php/next-art-exhibition
It's been an incredible journey and I will write about the residency experience, about making do, and post images this fall after I recuperate from the intensity of the last four months. But here is a start. My artist statement:
I am curious about the way patterns inhabit systems of all kinds --relationships, communities, institutions, environments, and territory within myself. I see patchwork as a historically rich medium for modeling the dynamics of pattern formation, and the limits that manifest systems.This body of work also stems from a commitment to make-do as a way to free myself from the spell of limitless choice. By choosing to work within recognized limits, the act of creating became more fluid, surprisingly synchronistic, and restorative. Making do is not only about solving a problem with what’s at hand, which I find extremely satisfying, it also fostered within me a collaborative, receptive, and improvisational rhythm of attention marked by acceptance, and respect for how things are, with room for what showed up, including mistakes, and deviations from any or all previous plans. It grew my capacity for seeing the materials and responding affirmatively to the work as it emerged.My goal was not to speak through, of, or for the materials but to speak in conversation with them. In the works presented, I accepted the limits of their salvaged parts, natural shapes and intrinsic lines. I tried to be present and bare witness to the unique and broken characteristics of the discarded objects, which became the portal to their transfigured geometries.And that’s how I understand resurrection, or life after system collapse. Our transfigured patterns and relationships will unfold through the portal of our shared brokenness. And these new bodies will be strangely familiar and intimately foreign, as we wake together in the afterlife.Sherri Lynn Wood
Hope to see you there!