Improv Quilting
a f t e r l i f e / it's show time!
My goal was not to speak through, of, or for the materials but to speak in conversation with them.
make do quilt challenge & giveaway
If 1 million active quilt makers in the US made one quilt from discarded materials this year, how many pounds would be spared from the landfill?
making do / unexpected juxtopositions
Both finds at Recology were curtains of sorts but with different narratives - red and white, purity and passion, milk and blood, virgin and whore
make do with me
Quilt making is a model for reclaiming the legacy of making do at a critical time of cultural, economic, and environmental transition.
june mandala / making do begins
Making do with what's at hand is an accomplishment, a state of gratitude, a rhythm of attention, that feeds the spirit and restores the soul.