Home Makers at Wave Pool

I’m happy to announce an upcoming installation…
Home Makers at Wave Pool: Sherri Lynn Wood and M’Shinda Abdullah Broaddus, Sept. 14 – Oct. 26, 2019
This exhibition in the downstairs gallery at Wave Pool, pairs the work of two artists who come at the same idea from opposite perspectives: What does it look like to make a home for oneself—as an individual, and as part of a larger collective?
To unpack that question, recent Cincinnati transplant Sherri Lynn Wood’s ongoing community-based project Sew LeWitt invites gallery visitors to create their own sewn compositions into a larger community tapestry; while multi-disciplinary artist M’Shinda Abdullah Broaddus will exhibit recent printed digital collages that document a performance during a recent residency at Richard Carter’s studio in Pope Valley, California.
I am looking for local volunteers with sewing machine experience, to help activate this participatory, patchwork improv installation. Visitors to the space will be invited to create patchwork based on the Score for Floating Squares from The Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters. I need volunteers with sewing machine experience, for two hour shifts. All materials, tools, and instructions will be available at the gallery. All you need to do is show up during your time and have fun. Your main role will be to activate the space by implementing the patchwork score and helping others do the same. You will also be in charge of troubleshooting the basic home sewing machines, rewinding bobbins etc. Feel free to invite friends to sew with you. The exhibit will be open to the public Thursday-Saturday 12-5 PM from September 14 - October 26.
Although not necessary to volunteer, I will be leading a two-hour training session for those interested in learning ruler-free patchwork technique on Monday, August 5 from 10 AM to Noon. I also need help on Monday, July 28, anytime between 10 AM to 2 PM to prepare the installation. This will mostly entail ironing and basting, but I will also train you on the ruler-free patchwork technique during that session. Both of these sessions will be held at Wave Pool, in Camp Washington, 2940 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati. If you are experienced with using and trouble shooting a basic home sewing machine but can’t make it to one of the training sessions above, simply sign up for a specific time slot and show up. All materials, tools and instructions will be waiting for you at the gallery.
Volunteer Signup
Check out the Sew LeWitt project begun in San Francisco. The installation at Wave Pool will pick up where this left off. It will be super fun and you will be getting a free improv primer at the volunteer training, and an opportunity to practice your improv in the gallery space. Please forward to your interested sewing and quilting friends. Feel free to leave questions in the comments!