Improv Quilting

3 keys at the heart of Improv Quilting
Abstraction, connection and flow are three keys at the heart of developing a restorative improv quilting practice. How do these keys interact and why is it important to develop them?

Improv Patchwork Road Tales ~ Sweet Surrender
There was a sweet surrender to the score of the ROAD itself and it's adventures. My traveling partner and I said YES AND to the unexpected.

Improv Patchwork Road Tales ~ Flow
Flow replaces the security that we cling to when following a plan. FLOW is sweet and restorative, free and surprising.

QuiltCon Day 4 ~ Group Flow
The prolonged experience of creative flow on their last day at QuiltCon left everyone feeling pretty satisfied. Now that's FRESH quilting - or at least quilting that leaves you feeling FRESH!
Color Channeling
My creative space becomes animated when work is flowing. So many subtle influences are at play.