I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 11 ~ Ironing

On the last post I was CONTINUING to make blocks for my I Ching Modern Quilt. Wow! This has been a SLOW process, but an AMAZING process as well. My questions and readings from the oracle have been powerful and insightful. I'm not the only one experiencing this. Margaret commented on the last I Ching post:
Since you state that it’s never too late to join an on-line quilt along, I’ve taken a deep breath & started. I’ve studied your posts, the book & set up my bags; blessed my special coins & did my first “throw” yesterday; recorded my Hexagram with 2 changing lines & read the related texts several times. There is much to absorb! I need to set aside some time for journaling. Clearly this is a spiritual practice if done with that intention & can’t be rushed. That’s what attracted me to it. So even though I’d love to keep throwing & make blocks more quickly, this is not that kind of project.
Margaret is spot on. PLEASE take your time with this process. It's not about making all the blocks so you can finish the project quickly. Let yourself absorb the readings and lessons into your creative life and beyond.

It seems suitable that only after many weeks into this process, I discovered that it is necessary to pay attention to my ironing. I apologize if you've followed along and now have to go back, like me, and re-iron all of your blocks! It is a quilt-along after all and hopefully you are discovering new things as I am.
Re-ironing my I Ching blocks corresponds nicely with re-minding the lessons I've received from the I Ching so far. I urge you to slow down and not fret about having to go over your blocks again with the iron. As you do so, review your conversation of questions and responses with the oracle. Be completely present with your ironing and watch your thoughts. Press your learnings into your heart, soul, mind and body.

Each column consists of four blocks (arranged in the order thrown from bottom to top) Eventually I will have 6 columns (24-blocks). I'm half-way there with 12 blocks and three columns - see studio shot at beginning of post.
Sew blocks together to build columns, from bottom to top.
Each new column of blocks is started at the bottom.
Arrange columns from right to left.
Press the seams of all odd-numbered columns upwards.
Press the seams of even-numbered columns downwards.
When pressing broken lines, press the seams of the middle rectangle outwards when flanked by solid lines above and below.
If there is more than one broken line in a row, alternate pressing the seams of the first middle rectangle outwards, and in the next line, inwards, etc.
Be present as you iron and allow the lessons of the I Ching to settle into your being.
Re-iron your previously built columns. Iron future blocks and columns according to the instructions above. Slow down and absorb the lessons learned from your questions and responses from the I Ching. Sew and iron with mindfulness and attention. In upcoming sessions I'll talk more about ACCEPTING the I Ching Modern Quilt-along process, and SEAMING the columns together.
What are you learning? Please comment with any questions, discoveries, surprises, satisfactions or dissatisfaction you might have.
It's never too late to join an online quilt-along! I'll be posting new segments of the quilt-along on Mondays. Access the archive and subscribe to the RSS feed here: I Ching Modern Quilt-along. I've set up an I Ching Modern Flickr Group if you want to share images of your sketches, process, and final results.