Improv Quilting

I Ching Modern Quilt
The pattern of this all linen quilt was created by chance through a random process of throwing coins as prescribed by the I Ching.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Step 16 ~ Quilting
When hand-quilting I'm in the posture of prayer. My heart is bowed between head and hands. My fingers form the mudra for understanding.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 15 ~ Reviewing
Take a good look at your finished quilt top. It is an image of randomness. How does this pattern of randomness affect you?
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 14 ~ Advancing
Applied to my improvisational work, this reading tells me not to regret individual decisions and let go of expectations as I make the quilt.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 13 ~ Seaming
Finally I've begun SEAMING my I Ching Modern Quilt columns together! Tips on pinning seams in opposite directions to reduce bulk.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 12 ~ Accepting
Making an I Ching Modern Quilt embodies the mindful meditation practice of non-doing, non-judging, acceptance, impermanence, and non-attachment.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 11 ~ Ironing
Be present as you iron and allow the lessons of the I Ching to settle into your being.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 10 ~ Continuing
It was uncomfortable sewing TEN unbroken dark lines in a row. I wanted to CHEAT and control the random process, but continued with integrity!
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 9 ~ Sewing
This week we go through the complete process of sewing an I Ching modern quilt block based on asking, casting, and reading an I Ching hexagram.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 8 ~ Cutting
In order to immerse myself in the experience of randomness I am pre-cutting all of the shapes that will be needed for my quilt.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 7 ~ Translating
Get out your graph paper and use your I Ching castings to decide on the form that your quilt will take. What does randomness look like?
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 6 ~ Reading
The next step in the I Ching Modern Quilt-along is integrating your I Ching readings into your work and life.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 5 ~ Casting
Through synchronicity even chance events, that happen simultaneously in time and space relate to each other in the shared and present moment.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Value, Intensity, Quantity
Value and intensity are two different things. Bright red has a dark value close to black, Bright yellow has the same light value as a pale blue.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 4 ~ Asking
The blocks of your quilt will be based on conversations with the oracle. The first step is opening to the I Ching by asking a question.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 3 ~ Gathering
This quilt-along is designed to enhance your creative practice. It is best done along-side the creative projects you are already working on.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 2 ~ Texting
Identify significant questions related to your inner creativity. Decide on a translation of the I Ching that resonates clearly with you.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 1 ~ Researching
The I Ching reflects the universe in miniature. It is also a book of patterns. Join me in making a modern quilt based on it.