Improv Quilting

Passage Quilting and Transformational Healing
I learned so much from the 70+ makers that came together for September's Passage Quilting workshop. And I started my own passage quilting journey. I’m collaborating with the memory of my creative little ones and calling in my elder wise woman artist to rewrite my story of creative imagination and purpose, as a way to heal and release creative blocks.

8 Ways Memory Quilting Heals the Heart
Memory Quilting with intention, which I call Passage Quilting, is a process that mirrors the natural process of bereavement to heal the heart during times of loss and transition in an embodied way.

march mandala / percolating
A trifecta of purification, SIMULTANEOUS transformation by fire, water, and air! What's percolating in your creative life this month?

february mandala / branching
When stuck in the YES BUTS the way I step outside my dissatisfied judgmental mind is to invoke my sense of curiosity and begin saying YES AND...

How do you fold your quilts?
The act of opening and closing a quilt whispers some sacred truth about the revelation of life's moments and the hiding away of memory.
2015 Focus ~ Listening
As the patchwork unfolds I will listen without agendas of planning, perfecting, or pleasing. I will allow the patchwork to show me what it wants to become.
What blocks and/or supports your improvisational flow?
Improvisors and quilt makers. I'm researching this question and need your input!

Piñata Anchor of Hope ~ Happy Birthday Mom
Remembering a geo-psychic, temporary public art project for the city of Durham, NC, that marked the beginning of urban (and personal) renewal.
Sunny Edwards Memorial Quilt ~ Improvisational Patchwork
The improvisational patchwork process mirrors the re-orientation of bereavement.
choose happiness
Experiencing FLOW, being fully engaged in creativity, work or play, is one of the habits that increases happiness.
retreating into community
Groups of knitters are fantastic, funny, and so appreciative of the effort anyone makes to knit. The love of yarn and craft is an instant bond.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 14 ~ Advancing
Applied to my improvisational work, this reading tells me not to regret individual decisions and let go of expectations as I make the quilt.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 13 ~ Seaming
Finally I've begun SEAMING my I Ching Modern Quilt columns together! Tips on pinning seams in opposite directions to reduce bulk.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 12 ~ Accepting
Making an I Ching Modern Quilt embodies the mindful meditation practice of non-doing, non-judging, acceptance, impermanence, and non-attachment.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 11 ~ Ironing
Be present as you iron and allow the lessons of the I Ching to settle into your being.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 10 ~ Continuing
It was uncomfortable sewing TEN unbroken dark lines in a row. I wanted to CHEAT and control the random process, but continued with integrity!
Death Valley Walkabout ~ Wash at Emigrant Camp
I chanted the psalms, I chanted the scripture, I prayed every morning to the Desert, and blessed everyone I met.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Week 8 ~ Cutting
In order to immerse myself in the experience of randomness I am pre-cutting all of the shapes that will be needed for my quilt.
Bereavement Work
I can't imagine the depth and pain of a client's loss, but I can connect with it compassionately when I'm stitching on their quilt.