braided thread giveaway winners!

Thanks to everyone who joined the braided thread giveaway. I loved finding out where all of you live... from Audrey, my closest geographical neighbor in San Leandro, CA... to Mira in Tel Aviv... and so many interesting people, blogs, and places in between!I used the random number generator to pick the winners, but for some reason the snapshots I took of the generator didn't come out so you will have to take my word for it.

The winners are:

#1) Sandy of Sandy's Sew Clever from Skiatook, Oklahoma, won the rainbow thread braid from Heather Cameron of True Stitches who lives in Canada.

#13) Jean of One Small Stitch, from Victoria, BC, who happens to live right across the river from Heather, won the button thread braid from Evonne Wee of  Yarn Is Me who lives in Shanghai China.

You are all winners. YAY!


signed, sealed, submitted & feeling smart


home sweet home