Improv Quilting

january mandala / basics
These old hand stitching tools remind me that life is too short to be on the computer all the time.

Improv Handbook Test Quilters
It's not to late to sign up as a test quilter for the Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters.
Summer Heirloom Tomato Pizza
I sliced them up -- so juicy and delicious! Happy end of summer to all of you. Savor these last days!
Summer Schedule
This rainbow of fabric reminds me of the lengthening and shortening of days. Happy Summer Solstice and a season full of fun and creativity.
For Whom The Bell Tolls ~ Remembering Kathreen Ricketson
Through her daily living she translated the importance of slowing down, and rejoicing in the simple pleasures of craft and relationships.
QuiltCon ~ Day 1: Modern Block Improv
The most valuable thing I learn from students, is how they meet and overcome the internal challenges arising from the improvisational process.
QuiltCon Bound
This is the first time I've ever attended a national quilt expo --in the 20 years I've been making quilts.
new year ~ new camera
I have a new camera! YAY! I love it. Here are a few stills from my studio today, taken with my new Nikon D5100 and a 35mm macro lens.
I was chosen to receive the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant! That's $25K! But it's so much more than the money.
FYI - Spoonflower Quiltcon Sweepstakes
Whoever wins this prize will be attending my Modern Block Improv workshop with a friend at QuiltCon.
braided thread giveaway winners!
Thanks to everyone who joined the giveaway. I loved finding out where all of you live...
a band of woven community ~ giveaway
Passing along the bounty of community. To enter the giveaway all you need to do is comment with the city, state, country in which you live.
Celebrating My Birthday
Each of these women are so amazing - each in their own unique way - and here they were like four volumes of wisdom caring for me, feeding me, celebrating with me.
Reflections, Mirages
I've heard that when you view the Milky Way with binoculars, the milky part will distinguish itself into stars.