Improv Quilting

Quiltcon 2023 / Soulful Quilts and Trends
The best of Modern Quilting was on display at Quiltcon in Atlanta. This year I paid attention to the quilts that resonated in my body, from the heart to the gut and sometimes the mind. These are the quilts that fed my soul at this particular Quiltcon, and here's why.

Quiltcon East and BQE Schedule ~ Let's Flow!
Fellowship and good will to all attending, and for all at home, may you enjoy super creative and inspired studio time away from the fray!

quiltcon 2017 workshops
I'm debuting three new workshops and a new lecture on flow at QuiltCon 2017. Fingers crossed you get your heart's desire on registration day!

february mandala / branching
When stuck in the YES BUTS the way I step outside my dissatisfied judgmental mind is to invoke my sense of curiosity and begin saying YES AND...

18 Quilts Inspired by The Improv Handbook at QuiltCon
A total of EIGHTEEN quilts inspired by scores from the Improv Handbook For Modern Quilters were exhibited at QuiltCon 2015!

QuiltCon Day 4 ~ Group Flow
The prolonged experience of creative flow on their last day at QuiltCon left everyone feeling pretty satisfied. Now that's FRESH quilting - or at least quilting that leaves you feeling FRESH!

QuiltCon Day 3 ~ Quilting From the Heart
How will our exposure to the Gee's Bend Quilters at Quiltcon change the way we make our quilts, and/or our perception of what quilt making is all about?

QuiltCon Day 2 ~ Hot Shots
Daring students tackle Bias Strip Piecing on the Curve. My books sell out on second day! But no worries there are more on their way.

QuiltCon Day 1 ~ Riding High
Learning from the Gee's Bend Quilters, lecturing, signing books, making mistakes, all in the midst of community! Riding high on the mechanical sewing machine in the sky.

QuiltCon Choices - Which class to take?
Wondering which QuiltCon workshop to take? I'm debuting three improvisational workshops and a lecture based on projects featured in my forthcoming book
On Being Judged
Finding and trusting one’s own authority is essential to developing authenticity in improvisational process.
QUILTCON ~ Day 3: Improv Round Robin
For the Improv Round Robin, we followed the cardinal rule of improv theater, no matter what fellow performers say or do always affirm and build on their actions to keep the skit going.
QuiltCon ~ Day 2: Get Your Curve On
Today I taught an improv curve piecing workshop to another awesome group of quilt makers.
QuiltCon ~ Day 1: Modern Block Improv
The most valuable thing I learn from students, is how they meet and overcome the internal challenges arising from the improvisational process.
Arriving at QuiltCon
I've been meeting people right and left and everyone is so happy and excited to be here. Including me!
QuiltCon Bound
This is the first time I've ever attended a national quilt expo --in the 20 years I've been making quilts.
Which of your QUILTCON classes do you recommend?
Here are the class descriptions along with my detailed recommendations in case you are also considering taking one of my workshops at QUILTCON.