Patchwork Scrap Doodling

Scrap Doodling is a playful improvisational patchwork process utilizing fabric scraps without concern over the outcome. It's like drawing but better!
I do it to cleanse my mind between projects or to lubricate my creative flow before working on a main project. It's fantastic for relieving performance anxiety and the causes of procrastination.
I make my scrap doodles quickly, while sitting at the sewing machine, with a pile of scraps and a pair of scissors at hand. I focus on finding natural fits of shape, as if piecing a puzzle. There is very little design involved.
I have no agenda for the finished scrap doodles. They may generate ideas or not. I don't have to like them, and they don't have to match anything or each other. Someday after I have a pile of them, I may patch them all together for one big crazy scrap doodle quilt... or not.

Try it for yourself. It's fun!