Improv Quilting

march mandala / percolating
A trifecta of purification, SIMULTANEOUS transformation by fire, water, and air! What's percolating in your creative life this month?

january mandala / basics
These old hand stitching tools remind me that life is too short to be on the computer all the time.
What blocks and/or supports your improvisational flow?
Improvisors and quilt makers. I'm researching this question and need your input!
Patchwork Scrap Doodling
Scrap Doodling is a playful improvisational patchwork process utilizing fabric scraps without concern over the outcome. It's like drawing but better!
Extravagant Generosity
This one quilt "Manna" brought in $16,000. I wonder about the power, the extravagant generosity of art to move people and rain bread from heaven.
On Being Judged
Finding and trusting one’s own authority is essential to developing authenticity in improvisational process.
Death Valley Bound... Again!
There will be no distinction between inside and out when I return to Death Valley. There will be no past or future, only the space of the present.
My Blue Bike Ride
Riding along the bay in East Oakland on a sunny Sunday afternoon in winter restores my rhythm of attention.
Repetition ~ act of saying over again
Repetition is the foundation for all pattern making. I was inspired by these wine barrels on Treasure Island today.
Death Valley Walkabout ~ Ubehebe Crater
Death Valley is the living image of God's presence in absence.
Good Friday Prayer
It's Good Friday, the day of Christ's death and burial, so I chanted a little prayer to Jesus while I was stitching today.
Cha-zak Cha-zak Ve-nit Cha-zek
I'm concluding my trip to Death Valley with this beautifully chanted mantra. It's a Hebrew blessing, thanking God for imparting strength.
Strong Women Row To Win
I'm now in the desert on the home stretch. This mantra reminds me that I AM strong and I will go the distance!
To God Be The Glory
I'm now in the desert half way through my week. This mantra reminds me to feel great gratitude for the glory of the landscape that is so much more than me.
We Are One With The Infinite Sun
There is plenty of solitude in the desert but this mantra reminds me that even though I'm alone right now I am connected.