Improv Quilting
The Rhythm of Freedom: Improv Quilting and Antiracism
Antiracist ideas and actions are actually fundamental to improvisational process. To be an antiracist is to be a person who acts to liberate others and self. Improv encourages us to truly see, hear, and value others, which strengthens relationships and communities and encourages risk taking, innovation and change.
What blocks and/or supports your improvisational flow?
Improvisors and quilt makers. I'm researching this question and need your input!
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Sarah Turnage
There is so much motion in this African-American improv quilt by Sarah Turnage that it borders on optical illusion!
Upcoming Events & Workshops
I'm happy to announce improv quilt workshops and an exhibition scattered across the country. I may be teaching in your neighborhood soon!
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Rosie Lee Tompkins
Eli considers this amazing quilt by Rosie Lee Tomkins as one of her best ten AND it has never been published! Don't miss this exclusive!
Talking Quilts with Eli Leon ~ Signature Quilt
With its visual field of deep black velvet and twinkling white stitches this African-American signature quilt is as powerful and mysterious as the universe.
improv from the heart ~ lessons learned in theater class
My improvisational patchwork process is getting a boost from taking an improv theater workshop. It also affirms my deepest values: discovery is the path to freedom, freedom is the path to connection, connection is the path to joy.
Patchwork Scrap Doodling
Scrap Doodling is a playful improvisational patchwork process utilizing fabric scraps without concern over the outcome. It's like drawing but better!
On Being Judged
Finding and trusting one’s own authority is essential to developing authenticity in improvisational process.
New Workshops for 2014
I've added two new improvisational patchwork classes and posted my teaching philosophy to my workshop page.
A Visit With Eli Leon And His Quilts ~ Part 2
Eli Leon has collected over 1000 African-American quilts in the improvisational style and has exhibited them widely but have you seen the seven quilts he's made?
A Visit With Eli Leon And His Quilts ~ Part 1
Eli Leon has over 1000 African-American quilts in the improvisational style and he invited me to his home to see his collection!
QUILTCON ~ Day 3: Improv Round Robin
For the Improv Round Robin, we followed the cardinal rule of improv theater, no matter what fellow performers say or do always affirm and build on their actions to keep the skit going.
RGB Modern, 2012
I considered the space between warp and weft when piecing these curves with bias cut strips to create this modern improvisational quilt.
curve improv quilting and the uncertainty principle
Position and momentum can not be known simultaneously when you are dealing with modern improv curved piecing!
improvising technique ~ curve piecing workshop
Improvisation in design has its limits. Real innovation begins with the improvisation of technique and tools.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 14 ~ Advancing
Applied to my improvisational work, this reading tells me not to regret individual decisions and let go of expectations as I make the quilt.