Improv Quilting

Curating Colors for Patchwork Installation
Improv patchwork begins by setting a few limits, including color limits. This is exactly what I've been pleasantly busy doing this past week.
Seeing Green ~ Geek Love Review
Green is the color of the heart chakra. It's the color of growth as well as decay. I suppose there are as many meanings to green as there are shades of the heart.
Summer Schedule
This rainbow of fabric reminds me of the lengthening and shortening of days. Happy Summer Solstice and a season full of fun and creativity.
a lucky BLUE bottle face day
I spied a graffiti Easter egg hanging in a tree. A down and out bottle face waiting there for me.
visual influence ~ east oakland graffiti
I can tell that the visual influence of east Oakland is already impacting my color sense, as well as the energy tone, and forms of my quilt patterns.
Color Riot! ~ Mod Mood Workshop at OCMQG
Over the course of two days this curve piecing, improv workshop gradually begins to explode with color and creativity!
surfing an ocean of color
Picking a palette is a fist step, but the true story of color unfolds in the relationship and proportion of hues as they manifest into pattern.
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: Value, Intensity, Quantity
Value and intensity are two different things. Bright red has a dark value close to black, Bright yellow has the same light value as a pale blue.
Modern Mood Quilt, Summer 2010
My finished Modern Mood Quilt, was made from hand-dyed fabrics, color, quilt pattern improvised based on emotional states. Follow the tutorial to make your own.
Color Palettes ~ San Francisco Sunset
Stunning San Francisco skyline at sunset from my studio window on Treasure Island.