Improv Quilting

Pause + Adventure = Inspiration / Sardinia
I traveled to Sardinia and I'm wondering how this “pause/adventure” will inform and shape my improv quilts. When we stay open to adventure it can lead to unexpected opportunities, in life and in our patchwork!
shooting corners
I'm going to survey regulars who live and work here: What creative thing could be done to change patterns of neglect and violence on our corner?
Patchwork Sketchbook ~ [ ]
The quilt pattern inspiration for this week are [ ] parenthesis. See my interpretive sketch and it's translation into an actual quilt block, made from re-purposed wool clothing.
Patchwork Sketchbook ~ School Windows
The quilt pattern inspiration for this week are the orderly/disorderly school windows of Mission High. See the photo and my interpretive sketch.
Patchwork Sketchbook ~ Wire Basket
The inspiration for my quilt pattern of the week is a wire basket. See the photo and the sketch.
Patchwork Sketchbook ~ Beans In A Pod
The inspiration for my quilt pattern of the week are beans in a pod. See the photo and the sketch.