Improv Quilting

negative space ~ how the hole affects the whole
In a split second my split sections were on their way to becoming TWO modern quilts instead of one!
curve improv quilting and the uncertainty principle
Position and momentum can not be known simultaneously when you are dealing with modern improv curved piecing!
visual influence ~ east oakland graffiti
I can tell that the visual influence of east Oakland is already impacting my color sense, as well as the energy tone, and forms of my quilt patterns.
a bomb went off in my studio cave
I'm totally busy with my creative professional life right now! What happened?
bias and diamond improv patchwork evolution
Watch my most recent bias and diamond modern improv quilt evolve on the studio wall. Quilt in process!
I Ching Modern Quilt-along: 10 ~ Continuing
It was uncomfortable sewing TEN unbroken dark lines in a row. I wanted to CHEAT and control the random process, but continued with integrity!
Good Friday Prayer
It's Good Friday, the day of Christ's death and burial, so I chanted a little prayer to Jesus while I was stitching today.