Improv Quilting

Camp Stitch-Alot and Chicago MQG Here I Come!
Packing for Camp Stitch-Alot! I've got my long johns, heavy boots, winter coat, and lots SCRAPS for the cozy cabin quilting retreat!

The Quilt as a Contemporary Tradition
If you are in the Bay Area join me at the opening this Saturday from 5-8PM for the opening reception! New Quilts from The Improv Handbook the will be on show.

Improv Round Robin ~ Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association
The Improv Round Robin workshop was super fun. I was so impressed by the cohesiveness of the group. They listened and responded with skill and courage!

QuiltCon Choices - Which class to take?
Wondering which QuiltCon workshop to take? I'm debuting three improvisational workshops and a lecture based on projects featured in my forthcoming book

Teaching! Spoonflower, QuiltCon and more!
On the road teaching for the next two weeks at Spoonflower, in Beaufort, SC, and Baltimore. QuiltCon 2015 workshops announced!

Stitch Modern ~ Improv Round Robin Workshop
I will be facilitating an Improv Round Robin at Stitch Modern on Sunday, February 23, 2014 in Oakland, CA. Register now!
Upcoming Events & Workshops
I'm happy to announce improv quilt workshops and an exhibition scattered across the country. I may be teaching in your neighborhood soon!
New Workshops for 2014
I've added two new improvisational patchwork classes and posted my teaching philosophy to my workshop page.
QUILTCON ~ Day 3: Improv Round Robin
For the Improv Round Robin, we followed the cardinal rule of improv theater, no matter what fellow performers say or do always affirm and build on their actions to keep the skit going.
a lecture on modern improv quilting at Stitch Modern
I will be presenting a new framework for improvisational quilting that breaks free from the design/pattern/copy paradigm of traditional quilting: on Feb 5 at "Stitch Modern" a quilt show with special events hosted by the East Bay Modern Quilt Guild.
I was chosen to receive the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant! That's $25K! But it's so much more than the money.
curve improv quilting and the uncertainty principle
Position and momentum can not be known simultaneously when you are dealing with modern improv curved piecing!
improvising technique ~ curve piecing workshop
Improvisation in design has its limits. Real innovation begins with the improvisation of technique and tools.
Which of your QUILTCON classes do you recommend?
Here are the class descriptions along with my detailed recommendations in case you are also considering taking one of my workshops at QUILTCON.
Color Riot! ~ Mod Mood Workshop at OCMQG
Over the course of two days this curve piecing, improv workshop gradually begins to explode with color and creativity!
Upcoming Modern Improv Quilting Workshops ~ OCMQG & QUILTCON!
I'm teaching improv quilting at QuiltCon in February, and at the Orange County Modern Quilt Guild this summer!
Making Memorial Quilts from the Clothing of the Beloved
Announcing a Passage Quilting Workshop in Cincinnati, OH. This is a hands-on bereavement process, making memorial quilts from the clothing of the beloved.